Your author hard at work

Your author hard at work

Thursday, June 3, 2010

EMily Henochowicz

In case you don't know her she is some American woman who lost an eye the other day when she was protesting Israel and an Israeli soldier shot her with a tear gas can. I left a comment on her website, sympathizing with her and telling her I know how she feels, because I too lost an eye when an angry Parrot ripped it out when I was posing for a Captain Morgan commercial but hey thats another story. As soon as I did this, my Gary Coleman died post started receiving threats calling me an infidel, and one in broken english saying soon I will know pain. I already know pain a fucking Parrott attacked me, it hurt.


  1. Mr Stokes, you are indeed an infidel. Death to Israel, Death to America, and death to you. Allah Akbar

  2. I've been getting the same fruits posing on my blog. They even object to my dedicating a song to Emily...ZZ Top's "Cheap Sunglasses".

    I haven't seen the useless class get this upset since I started referring to Rachel Corrie as St. Pancake.

    Keep up the good blogging, my friend. Stay safe and sane, and always check the back seat for muslim radicals before getting into your car.

  3. Regardless of the politics, if I were to laugh when a Jewish person died, or make the same comments you make, you would call me an anti-semite; if I laughed when an American soldier died you would call me other names like terrorist. But when you make fun of the tragedy of others (ironically, Emily is Jewish), you are a noble, peace loving and humane person. Teach me how your parallel reality works; it sure beats this reality I live in! I bet you can also have sex with your mother there?

  4. Anonymous, at no time was any of your response sensible. Please learn how to communicate better because your logic is skewed and whatever point of view you are trying to make is lost, I think you are trying to call me a hippocrite because I am mocking emily, yet claim to be a "noble, peace loving, and humane person", considering I never make nor imply that claim it nullifies your statement.

  5. The logic was not skewed. It was based on an assumption and clearly you proved me wrong. So you're a heartless obnoxious asshole. Just as well.

  6. Your decision to mock Emily on her own blog just shows what a small, disrespectful, ignorant piece of crap you are. You used her blog for your own self-aggrandizement and then you act surprised when you get a bunch of hate mail. I sure would hate to live in the deluded, fucked-up, empty little world that is your mind. Fuck you, and stay the hell away from Emily and her blog you narcissistic TOAD!!

  7. Some of these comments are really nasty, I have never been called "heartless" or "disrespectful" ever. All this for telling Emily I feel her pain, there is some angry people out there, I guess I will visit Emily's blog and explain myself.

  8. Infidel, you will learn, I promise you will learn

  9. You are a supreme cunt! Go home and snivel whle you watch your Angleterre lose to US on Saturday, super cunt

  10. Robert is an English Cunt

  11. Robert is an English Cunt said...
    You are a supreme cunt! Go home and snivel whle you watch your Angleterre lose to US on Saturday, super cunt

    HILARIOUS. haha. Love it.

  12. I'm sure Nazis used to have a good chuckle when they ripped out old rabbis' beards too... You're in good company, Bob. Be proud of yourself.

  13. And the best part Robert: They're taking her tax dollars to boot!! They shot her eye out and she's paying for the stuff they used to shoot her eye out.
