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Your author hard at work

Monday, June 14, 2010

Aly Morita's Boycott

YES it is true that Mr Miyagi's own daughter is on board with the Boycott of the Karate Kid, she heard it here first. Look what day my boycott started and then look what day she announced her boycott, yes the 11th of June. If my boycott can reach into the heart of Miyagi's own real kids, than we are going to shut Hollywood down and then China itself.

I have a message for the writer of the remake, "MR KARATE KID REMAKE WRITER, TEAR DOWN THIS MOVIE"

Heres the link to prove ROBERT STOKES BOYCOTT is growing faster than the Gulf oil spill.

I do have somewhat of a problem with this, up until the 11 of June when you typed in "Karate Kid Boycott" in google you were directed here, now they are acting as if ALY MORITA came up with this. THIS IS STILL THE ONLY OFFICIAL KARATE KID BOYCOTT SITE ON THE WEB. All others are fake and phony. My boycotters and I protested at the Rave movie theater in Bretnwood last saturday and I did not see Aly Morita or any other phonies. Just to make things clear to you die hards.

Karate Kid Boycott

Me and the rest of the Karate Kid boycotters protested the movie over the weekend at the Brentwood RAVE complex. I got into an argument with many pro

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Karate Kid Boycott

This is no longer a movie blog...... This is now the headquarters of the "Karate Kid Boycott." As many people know I am a huge Karate Kid fan I even named my kids Johnny, Bobby, Freddy, and Daniel. But this Karate Kid remake..... WHY???????

Boycotts seem to be the norm these days, most of them I don't get, for example we buy lots of shit from China, and China is known to be one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet, but do people boycott China, no they boycott Arizona for practicing state sovereign democracy. Well my Boycott involves boycotting China so you should join too.

Here are my reasons for the boycott.
1. Karate Kid does not need a remake it's awesome as it is, the sequals really werent that great anyways, well 3 was pretty good.
2. China, I have stated this in earlier post, but one of the attractions of the original is it's setting in California, as a kid it seemed like a really cool place with beach parties and cool Okinawan dudes. I have been to China and although I did like the people, they were not cool, and their beaches don't allow you to see the sun. China was a nice place to visit, but to live, fuck no. You can watch the origianl and actually think wow, besides those dicky Kobra Kais California looks like a cool place to live.
3. The kid is 10. I see the commercials of this 10 year old throwing Jackie Chan around, it reminded me of that Seinfeld episode wher Kramer beats up all the kids in his Karate class, but touts that they are all the same level and I realized Seinfeld was real and this new movie was not. This is also not to mention what 10 year old has a serious problem with bullying? I mean I know it happens, but how serious. Daniel in the original is a teenager, I think every teenage boy can recognize with Daniel's situation at one time or another. Overall the kid in the Karate kid is actually a kid, not a young man as Daniel was.
4. Jackie Chan, I like Jackie Chan, but he is no fucking Miyagi, nobody knew who the hell Pat Morita was till Miyagi, thats what everyone liked about him, I am still amazed that the accent is fake.
5. China...again. The movie is about an American family living in China (I think). I am sure many people can recognize moving to a new area or a new state, but really how many people move from the US to China, I know it's probably in the thousands but out of 300 million people, thats nothing. One of the greats of the original is recognizing how the new kid feels at a different school and place. Ok they do that in this new Karate Kid but to the fucking extreme in a new country, making the whole premise of the new kid as foreign as fucking China is.
6. China again, by supporting this new Karate Kid you will be supporting the Chinese who will take your money and shoot some political dissident in the head with it, they also support North Korea so you will be helping Kim Jung Il form more concentration camps.
7. Its not even Karate its Kung Fu in this one, they should change the name to the Kung Fu kid and I will end my botcott
8. Everyone knows black kids from Detroit would kick the hell out of a bunch of liite Chinese kids any day of the week
9. No cameo of Ralph Macchio (so I have heard)
10. If you don't support this boycott then your Racist

Thursday, June 3, 2010

EMily Henochowicz

In case you don't know her she is some American woman who lost an eye the other day when she was protesting Israel and an Israeli soldier shot her with a tear gas can. I left a comment on her website, sympathizing with her and telling her I know how she feels, because I too lost an eye when an angry Parrot ripped it out when I was posing for a Captain Morgan commercial but hey thats another story. As soon as I did this, my Gary Coleman died post started receiving threats calling me an infidel, and one in broken english saying soon I will know pain. I already know pain a fucking Parrott attacked me, it hurt.